SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

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In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are an universal action plan aimed at resolving poverty, protecting the planet and enabling all people to enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

Since its establishment, PLANARTH Group has held the mission to improve global environment and people’s living environment. Our efforts to preserve the environment began from the development of our flagship product: thermal barrier paint PLANET SUPRA. Climate change such as severe heat waves and droughts in recent years poses a serious threat to the lives of people and the environment of planet earth.

It has always been our hope to contribute to solutions of these global issues through our business. In 2014, two of our products were certified as carbon offset products by the Japanese government, and since 2017, we have been participating in carbon offset campaign which targets national parks and natural heritage sites in Japan.

Within the 17 goals set out in the SDGs, PLANARTH Group focuses on several of the goals which aligns most closely to our core values underpinning our business.


GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

The amount of electricity consumption in the world has been increasing. In 2015, the energy consumption amount was 9 billion toe (final energy) but it is estimated that by 2050, it will increase to 130 billion toe. While many of the countries are taking measures to expand energy generation capacity to meet the growing demand, we believe measures to reduce the amount of energy consumption should be taken on simultaneously for a sustainable society with much less burden onto the environment.

In 2014, thermal barrier paints PLANET SUPRA and PLANET SUPRA NEO were certified as carbon offset products by the Japanese government. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted from raw material procurement to production of the products are being offset, which is 54 kg for each can of PLANET SUPRA and 86 kg for PLANET SUPRA NEO.

Moreover, we roughly calculate that with the use of thermal barrier paint PLANET SUPRA and brightness enhancement paint PLANETSUPRA iBright on each and every roofs and interior walls of buildings around the world, approximately 15% of the world’s electricity consumption amount could be reduced. With this figure, we could estimate that 20 billion toe could be reduced from the expected final energy consumption amount in 2050.


GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 

PLANARTH Group is a special sponsor of Carbon Offset Campaign for National Parks and World Natural Heritage Sites since 2017. The campaign offsets the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from surrounding vehicles and facilities within national parks and heritage sites.



GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals

PLANARTH Group plans to establish local production sites in developing countries, including ASEAN, by 2025. By establishing these sites, we could contribute to creation of jobs in the local area. Furthermore, with continuous production, exportation to neighboring countries and consumption could be promoted. With the expansion of business, we hope to contribute to the improvement of global environment.


GOAL 13: Climate Action

It is necessary to take actions against effects of climate change, such as heat wave, especially in countries with higher amount of yearly solar radiation. Upon these disasters, those living under severe circumstances – those who do not live under roofs or do not have air-conditioners – would likely be impacted the most. Our products could be one of the solutions to prevent serious impact from these situations.



GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 14: Life Below Water
GOAL 15: Life On Land

SPJ PLANARTH PTE. LTD. has established a framework to donate a portion of the profits to social projects for improving global environment. We will continue to contribute to health, welfare, education of people and to the betterment of environment.